Fly-Fishing is becoming more and more popular everyday. Maybe it has to do with the fact that fly-fishing involves some of the most exciting experiences that fishing has to offer. Not only are anglers casting to a fish or school of choice, but you are doing so in the purest most primitive form of fishing. Everything from the cast, to the retrieve, to the hook up, rests solely on that of the angler. Though fly-fishing originally was used in northern streams and lakes, taking it to the saltwater has brought about a whole new side to the sport.
Fly-fishing in saltwater is probably the most amazing experience an angler can have. The adrenaline rush that one encounters is indescribable. Today, almost any fish can be caught on fly. Different shallow water areas offer a vast array of species. In the keys, angers are able to cast at bonefish, tarpon, permit, redfish, triple tail, and snook. Capt. Bou is an experienced fly-fisherman and is always more than happy to give advice and critique his anglers techniques; upon request. It is a good idea however, to be able to perform the basics of fly-fishing before
fishing the charter. Regardless of the species, fly-fishing encompasses all the necessary aspects for a great fishing trip.